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Can we help you?

Freemasonry Cares offers free and confidential guidance on the wide range of financial, healthcare and family help available to Freemasons and their dependants.

Contact Freemasonry Cares on 2020 035 60 90 for advice on:

Our experienced team deals with all enquiries in a sympathetic manner and are always happy to help if they can.

The yes/no questions at the bottom of this page will help you to identify if you may be eligible.  Assistance is usually subject to a successful application and will depend on the circumstances of the individual.  In most cases, the income and savings of the person applying and other relevant criteria will be taken into account.  For detailed and up to date information please contact Freemasonry Cares on 2020 035 60 90.  


Question: Are you a Freemason?

A Freemason is any man who is or has been a member of a Lodge under United Grand Lodge of England.

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